2023 Club Webinar Series

There are a wide range of free tools and supports for Clubs help to drive participation and sales in their events, raise funds and manage memberships. In 2023 our platform specialists help various webinars guiding you through all these features.

Athletics Ireland Permit Webinar

This webinar covers the whole permit process and will be useful for any club official or organiser applying for Athletics Ireland permits.

Customising Events Webinar

This webinar focuses on the Ticketing functionality within the Athletics Ireland platform and how clubs can use this when editing their permitted events as well as setting up their own.

Collecting Club Memberships through AAI Webinar

Information session for any clubs that are using other systems to collect club memberships and want to reduce administration.

Athletics Ireland Club Administrator Fundraising Webinar

All Athletics Ireland affiliated clubs who use the platform to collect both Club and Federation fees now have access to built in Fundraising. This is a free tool that allows your club members and local community to fundraise for you all year round. This webinar will cover this new feature, how to get started and a full Q&A

Membership Tools Webinar

When it comes to managing your club, there are a wide range of tools available within the membership system. This webinar should be useful for any new or existing club secretaries that want to see a full tour of club administration tools.