Club – New Membership Price Override

Before a person has had their membership application approved, as Club
Admin you have the option to change the amount to be paid to the Club.
This can be done during adding a new member manually through the steps
below or at the Membership Approval stage if the person has already
applied themselves online (See ‘Renewing Memberships – Price Override’)

Log in to the Athletics Ireland membership system here:

Scroll over where it says Welcome NAME and select Club User

Click on Club Members and Add new member on the right hand side

Fill in the data form, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save.

To change the Club Price, select Override Price

Enter in the replacement price and select Override Price, or put the Club Membership as Set Complementary if zero.

The new price will then appear in the club membership and you can opt to send a payment link to the customers email by selecting Send Order or enter in card details manually by proceeding to checkout.

If you send a payment link to the member then the order will now appear in the Orders Sent for Payment section. If you move to the checkout and pay for the membership then the member will be fully paid and in the members section.